Dietary sulphur can be found in protein foods, particularly eggs. It’s also found in smaller amounts in garlic, onions, very fresh green vegetables and turnips, nuts and some fruits. The problem is that bioavailable sulphur (like MSM) is very water soluble and can be lost in storage, washing and cooking. The practice of spraying water on the green vegetables in the shops may possibly deplete water soluble nutrients before we even take the vegetables home!

Sulphur is found in two of the B vitamins, thiamine and biotin, thiamine being important to skin, insulin and carbohydrate metabolism, and biotin is important for hair.

Sulphur deficiency may be more common when foods are grown in sulphur deficient soils. When people are on low protein diets (or low in stomach acids to process proteins) and when there is a lack of the right kind of intestinal bacteria to finish the digestion process. Our soils are deficient in lots of minerals! Some people have even sprinkled MSM on their vegetable patch to ensure the plants get enough.


For centuries, Arthritis pain sufferers have bathed in sulphur rich springs, used oral sulphur as sulphates, and eaten eggs, fresh raw garlic and onions with the hope that they would help. Reference: “Staying Healthy with Nutrition” Elson M. Haas, M.D.